Hi all! I’m Emmy Blakely, the (co)founder of People Helping People Ministries. I want to tell you why my husband (Nathan) and I started this organization.
Our family adopted two girls after years of secondary infertility. We walked a very long and painful journey, but I would re-live every single second we spent on that road seven times over to bring our daughters into our family. God used those years to refine me as an individual and us as a family, and taught us that we need to love Him despite our circumstances and trust His plan even when it is different than our own.
Our story is one of high highs and low lows, of loss, despair, hope, joy, and ultimately of two miracles.
In 2012, I felt the Lord call me to start a conference for women experiencing this painful and lonely season of infertility. Over the years Choose Joy grew to include both men and women, seeing attendees from almost every state in the union, and even some traveling internationally to be a part of this amazing community!
In 2019, after building a phenomenal team, we finally took the plunge to form a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, and People Helping People Ministries was born... the name stolen from a hashtag I'm kind of known for: #peoplehelpingpeopleismyfavorite.
We have big dreams for more conferences, more locations, more connecting, more helping of more people... all to use our story to serve God and love others.

From left to right: Jenn Waters, Rae Hinman (Treasurer), Emmy Blakely (Founder and President), Nathan Blakely (Co-Founder), Robyn Maynard (Secretary), and Megan Larson